Friends of Amundsen (FOA) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to aid Amundsen High School through fundraising, supporting students, staff, and parents, and promoting school spirit throughout the community.
Contact Us to Sponsor Celebrity Bar Night 2!
Summary of Event:
Friends of Amundsen High School is proud to host the 2nd annual Celebrity Bar Night on May 4, 2018 at the Ravenswood location of Rojo Gusano. The goal of the event is to raise money for Amundsen High School’s Sports teams and After-school clubs. The Amundsen teachers that coach the teams and sponsor the clubs will be behind the bar pouring wine and margarita drinks and receiving tips that will benefit their sports and clubs!
Impact & Goals:
Over 270 attendees from the community including Alderman Pawar and Alderman O’Connor!
Thousands of $ in donations that directly benefited over 40 sports & clubs at Amundsen High School!
This Year's Goal: Raise over $20,000 to benefit the students at Amundsen High School!
Sign up early to receive all Sponsor benefits!
Platinum: $1,000
Featured in 4 emails to 500+ in the FOA community promoting the event.
Large logo on signage at the event
Logo on FOA website homepage & Large Logo with link on FOA website's Event page
Honored at the event during Principal's thank you toast
4 Free Tickets to the Event
Gold: $750
Featured in 3 emails to 500+ in the FOA community promoting the event.
Logo on signage at the event
Large Logo with link on FOA website's Event page
Honored at the event during Principal's thank you toast
2 Free Tickets to the Event
Silver: $500
Featured in 2 emails to 500+ in the FOA community promoting the event.
Logo on signage at the event
Logo with link on FOA website's Event page
Honored at the event during Principal's thank you toast
Bronze: $250
Featured in 1 email to 500+ in the FOA community promoting the event.
Small Logo on signage at the event
Small Logo with link on FOA website's Event page
Honored at the event during Principal's thank you toast
Ready to become a Sponsor?
Click the "Donate" button and note the event in the Memo line... THANK YOU!