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The Amundsen Parent Series features educational sessions scheduled throughout the school year on a wide range of topics of interest to parents and guardians of Amundsen students. Organized and sponsored by Friends of Amundsen.

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Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023-24 Amundsen Parent Series. We look forward to bringing you more sessions next school year. Watch this space for 2024-25 scheduling information at the beginning of the school year.

2023-24 Schedule

(For recordings & other resources from past sessions, visit the Amundsen Parent Series Recording/Resource Library.)

Monday, September 18, 6:30-7:30pm
Amundsen High School, Room 118

A Conversation About College Application Essays with Amy F. Williamson

Most important for senior parents. Junior & sophomore parents also encouraged to attend. Complete details HERE.

Wednesday, October 18, 6:00-7:30pm
Amundsen High School Auditorium

A Talk with Your Teen About Substance Abuse: A Presentation for Parents and Teens to Attend Together with Christine McCall, LCSW, CADC, Clinical Director, PEER Services

Important: This session is intended for parents and students. Parents, we encourage you to attend with your Amundsen student. Complete details HERE.

Monday, October 23, 6:30-7:30pm
Virtual session.
Register for Zoom link HERE.

Navigating College Testing with Joy Mollet of BEC Tutoring

Targeted for 9th, 10th and 11th grade parents. Complete details HERE.

Monday, November 6, 6:00-7:30pm
Amundsen High School Auditorium

Communicating with Your High Schooler with Ted Neitzke, CEO of CESA 6

Important for all parents. Complete details HERE.

Monday, December 4, 6:30-7:30pm
Virtual session. (This is the English session; Spanish session is December 5.)
Register for Zoom link HERE.

ENGLISH SESSION. Executive Functioning 101: A Presentation for Parents and Teens with Kristin Hovious, MS Psy & MSW-i, SEL Chicago

Important for all parents. Complete details HERE.

Tuesday, December 5, 6:30-7:30pm
Virtual session. (This is the Spanish session; English session is December 4.)
Register for Zoom link HERE.

SPANISH SESSION. Funcionamiento Ejecutivo 101: Una presentación para padres y adolescentes with Rosalinda Garcia, Certified Parent Educator (Positive Discipline, Be Strong Families and Parents Helping Parents); and Kristin Hovious, MS Psy & MSW-i, SEL Chicago

Important for all parents. Complete details HERE.

Monday, January 29, 6:30-7:30pm
Amundsen High School, Room 118

Parent Book Discussion Part 1: The Emotional Lives of Teenagers, by Lisa Damour, PhD

Important for all parents.

Monday, February 26, 6:30-7:30pm
Amundsen High School, Room 118

Parent Book Discussion Part 2: The Emotional Lives of Teenagers, by Lisa Damour, PhD

Important for all parents. RSVP HERE if you plan to attend.

Wednesday, April 3, 6:30-8pm
Register for Zoom link HERE.

Strategies to Support Your Teen’s Mental Health with Compass Chicago Adolescent Program Leaders: Adam Honecker, Director of PHP/IOP; Gina Dockery, Director of Afterschool IOP; Tessa Sterling, Associate Director of PHP/IOP; Elizabeth Recinto, Director of Education

Important for all parents. Complete details HERE.

Tuesday, May 7, 6:30-8pm
Register for Zoom link HERE.

Keys to Confidence: Unlocking Your Potential with Matty May, a certified professional life and leadership coach and Amundsen parent

Important for all parents. Complete details HERE.

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5110 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL

(corner of Damen & Foster)

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